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Submitting To A Soldier
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Submitting To A Soldier
Tiffany Madison
Published by Tiffany Madison, 2014.
This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.
First edition. July 4, 2014.
Copyright © 2014 Tiffany Madison.
Written by Tiffany Madison.<3
Table of Contents
Title Page
Copyright Page
Submitting To A Soldier
If you liked this story, you might also enjoy its sequel...
Check out my other stories and bundles!
All characters in this story are 18+ years of age or older.
Jacob grabbed the base of my ponytail and pulled back firmly, causing my chin to lift up into the air. Then he looked down at me, his large figure making me feel tiny in comparison.
“You little fucking whore...” he growled. “How dare you...”
My hands began to sweat as a burst of adrenaline shot through me. It had become very clear that he was not just messing around.
“Jacob...” I whispered, my voice wavering. “I’m sorry...I didn’t mean anything by it...”
He tightened his grip on my ponytail, pulling back even harder than before. Then he stepped forward, completely closing the gap between us. I attempted to take a step to the side, but it was useless.
He’s too strong...
The muscles in Jacob’s forearms bulged as he maneuvered me and underneath his skin, I could see the outline of his veins. He was in the best shape of anybody I had ever seen. I started to actually believe that he was a Special Forces soldier like my brother had told me.
“You over-stepped your boundaries, Avery,” he said; as he used his body to press me up against the wall. “And now I’m going to do the same.”
His face was just inches from my own as he spoke. I looked up into his green eyes, which were filled with a combination of lust and rage, and butterflies began to fly in my stomach.
He’s for real. He’s not the weak kid that I remember him being.
As he pressed his powerful body against mine, I found myself beginning to feel turned on. A moist heat presented itself in my crotch, causing my panties to grow damp immediately.
Being at the mercy of someone infinitely more powerful than myself made me feel nervous, but also safe. He was in total control and I found myself wanting to please him.
A man like Jacob might have scared off most girls my age, but not me. I leaned forward, my instincts guiding my lips toward his. I had given up control, finally submitting to this man who I hardly knew.
As soon as my lips neared his, though, he pulled downward on my ponytail firmly. My chin shot straight up immediately and a shooting pain came from my scalp as he pulled.
“We’re going to do this my way,” he said.
Then he brought his mouth to my neck, lightly biting and kissing my soft skin as he moved downward toward my chest...
Two hours earlier...
“Avery, when Jacob gets here, try not to spew all your anti-war propaganda at him. He has done two tours overseas already and I highly doubt that he wants to hear your opinion on the matter.”
My older brother, Eric, was talking down to me again and treating me like a little brat. It was annoying, but I guess I was used to it. Being that I was eight years younger than him, meant that I had spent most of my life being lectured and treated like a kid. Sometimes it sucked being the little sister.
“Okay, Eric,” I said, sarcastically. “I won’t say anything rude to your precious little military buddy. Jeez.”
Eric and Jacob had been friends for as long as I could remember. I always had a kind of schoolgirl crush on Jacob growing up, but I hadn’t seen him in years. In fact, the last time that I saw him was right before he left to join the military after he and Eric graduated high school.
My parents held a going away party for him. My memory of it was pretty vague, since I was very young, but I do remember my parents and my brother tearing up when he left. They were nervous that he wouldn’t come back from war, and from what I had heard, that had almost become a reality.
Through Eric, I had heard about a number of close calls that Jacob had had at war. I pretty much wrote all of it off as “big fish” stories, though. I sort of recall Jacob having a tendency to exaggerate, so I figured that he was just feeding Eric a bunch of bologna and trying to impress him.
Still, though, even with all of the bad things that I could say about Jacob, I was excited for him to stop by the house again. Even though I was against war and just about everything military, I still thought it would be great to catch up with him.
“So, when is Jacob getting here?” I asked Eric, who was busy trying to straighten up the house.
Eric sighed and shook his head, clearly annoyed.
“I already told you, he’ll be here in an hour,” he said. “Now help me clean up.”
I rolled my eyes and started cleaning up the living room. I started by organizing my dad’s magazines on the coffee table and then I went to the closet to grab the vacuum. As I plugged it in, I started making small talk with Eric.
“You know, Eric,” I said. “Jacob’s stories of war are probably all bullshit. He’s just trying to impress you, you know?”
Eric glanced up at me with a scowl on his face.
“Shut the fuck up, Avery,” he growled. “You have no idea what you’re talking about. You’re a spoiled 18-year-old kid who Mom and Dad have handed everything to. What in the hell would you know about war, or anything in life for that matter?”
I shot him a scowl back. Then I clicked on the vacuum to shut him up before he could say anything else.
What an asshole...
Eric always talked to me like I was just a stupid kid. I knew a lot more about life than he thought I did. Just because he was eight years older than me, didn’t mean that he really had that much life experience. I mean he worked at an office supply store, for God’s sake. How much could he have learned about life from working there?
“Whatever...” I whispered.
Then I continued my vacuuming.
“I better get the house clean in order to please King Eric,” I chuckled to myself, over the sound of the vacuum.
There was only an hour before Jacob would be there and my parents would be getting off work in the evening. We had a lot to do.
The time ticked by quickly and I had just finished putting the cleaning supplies away in the pantry when I heard the doorbell ring.
My ears perked and my eyes lit up.
He’s here!
A burst of adrenaline shot through me as I became excited. I wasn’t sure what I was really excited about, though. It’s not like Jacob was my friend or anything. Maybe I was just interested in seeing how the past eight years had changed him.
My brother was still upstairs, cleaning the guest bedroom that Jacob would be staying in. So, I quickly ran to the bathroom to make sure that I looked okay before answering the door.
As soon as I clicked on the bathroom light, I realized that my hair was a mess.
An hour of hard cleaning had messed it all up, so I quickly pulled a brush out of the drawer and tried to fix it. My thick blonde hair was frizzing up out of control, so it took a minute of combing and a bit of hair spray in order to make it look halfway decent again.
After I fixed my hair, I looked over my body. My perky, developing breasts were tucked neatly underneath my black tank top and my jean shorts were clinging tightly to my petite figure.
I smiled, as I admired m
yself for a moment. Every day, I was looking more like a woman and I was really enjoying the changes that I was noticing in my body.
The doorbell rang again, interrupting my thoughts. For a moment, I had almost forgotten that someone was at the door.
Shit, I need one more second...
I still needed to make sure that my makeup looked good. I didn’t want to see anyone without making sure that my makeup was perfect.
I leaned in close to the mirror, causing my blue eyes to light up. I quickly ran a finger underneath my eyes, making sure that my mascara was in order. Then I took a deep breath and stepped away from the mirror.
Perfect, I said to myself.
The doorbell rang again, echoing throughout the house.
“Alright, alright,” I whispered, as I clicked off the bathroom light and began skipping to the front door.
I made my way down the long hallway that led to the front room. Then I turned the corner and walked up to the large wooden door in the front of the house. After taking another deep breath to calm my excitement, I placed my hand on the door handle and pulled it open.
Oh. My. God.
My jaw hit the floor as soon as my eyes landed on the man standing in front of me.
Is this Jacob?
He smiled and his face began to glow immediately.
“Well, look who grew up,” he said, his voice deeper than I remembered it being.
I did my best to pick my jaw up off of the floor. I’m sure my eyes were as wide as could be and I’m not sure how long I stood there silently in admiration.
“Jacob?” I asked, with a quizzical look on my face.
The smile stayed on his face as he nodded in agreement.
“The one and only,” he responded.
Even though he had just confirmed it, I still couldn’t believe that he was the same Jacob that I had grown up with. My memory of him was as a scrawny little boy who would hang out with my older brother and play with toy Army men all day.
He took my breath away and I found myself speechless for a moment as we stood in the doorway.
He was gorgeous. He stood at least a foot taller than me and I had to lift my chin up in order to lock eyes with him. I knew that guys in the military had to be in good shape, but Jacob was in the best shape of anybody I had ever laid eyes on in real life. His broad shoulders and thick, muscular torso made him look like a professional wrestler and I found myself giving him a slow and obvious once over.
He was wearing camouflage pants and a tight, olive-green t-shirt that clung tightly to his muscular chest. Jacob said he would be coming straight to our house after getting home from overseas, but I didn’t believe it until I saw him wearing his military attire.
He’s beautiful...
When my gaze finally got back up to his face, I noticed his striking blue eyes as they cut through the bright daylight. His thick, brown hair was trimmed tightly at the bottom and was a little bit longer on top. It looked like a standard military cut.
There was stubble on his face and it appeared to have been a day or two since he had shaved. I noticed a couple of scars across his cheeks, which I assumed he had earned overseas when he was at war. I definitely didn’t remember him having the scars when we were kids.
I smiled at him and began shaking my head in awe. It was like I was seeing Jacob for the first time and I liked what I saw.
“Wow...” I said, finally able to get a word out. “I can’t believe it’s you.”
Jacob stepped forward, his large figure completely filling the doorway and blocking the daylight.
“Well, kiddo,” he said. “You better believe it.”
I smiled when he called me kiddo. I remember him calling me that when I was younger and it felt good to hear the words again.
Before I could respond, he stepped through the door and put an arm around me, squeezing me tight. I was amazed at his strength, as he picked me up off of the ground with ease and carried me through the front room of the house.
“Now where is that stupid ass brother of yours?” he asked, jokingly. “I have some reuniting to do.”
I giggled and responded, “He’s upstairs. Eric! Jacob is home!”
Jacob held me by my waist and continued carrying me down the hallway. Then he headed for the stairs and carried me up like I wasn’t even there. I felt like a ragdoll tucked under his arm.
I placed my hand on his forearm, noticing how his large muscles rippled underneath my fingers. I still couldn’t believe the man that Jacob had become.
“Where in the fuck are you, buddy?” Jacob shouted, his voice echoing throughout the house.
“Is that who I think it is?” I heard Eric call back.
Jacob set me down at the top of the stairs. I watched as he walked toward the guest bedroom, the muscles in his back contorting and rippling underneath his tight t-shirt. I felt a moist heat in my crotch as I admired him. Even though I was anti-war, I couldn’t deny that I was attracted to a soldier.
Eric stepped out of the room and excitedly ran up and gave Jacob a hug.
“Holy shit, man,” he said. “It is so fucking good to see you.”
Then Eric stepped back and looked him up and down.
“Jesus, man,” he said. “You look...different. Have you been hitting the gym or something?”
Jacob chuckled and then responded, “Yeah, something like that. Or just surviving war.”
Eric nodded, admiring how much his best friend had changed since he had last seen him, eight years prior.
“Well, we have a lot of catching up to do,” Eric said. “Let’s grill out on the patio and have a few beers. My parents won’t be home for a couple of hours, but I know that they’re super excited to see you.”
Jacob nodded, a smile crossing his face.
“I can’t wait to see them, either,” he said.
Then he turned to me.
“What do you say, kiddo? You want to grill out with us while we wait for your parents?” he asked.
I nodded eagerly.
“Of course!” I cried. “I can’t wait to hear some of your stories!”
I had no idea what I was in for.
Jacob, Eric and I were all sitting outside on the patio furniture while the burgers cooked on the grill. The boys sipped on beers, while I drank orange soda.
“So, tell us what you’ve done and where you’ve been,” I said, turning to Jacob.
I wasn’t sure exactly what I was supposed to say to somebody who had been at war for years. I didn’t even know if he would want to talk about it.
Jacob took a sip from his beer and looked at me.
“Well, I’ve been a lot of places and seen a lot of things that I’d rather not talk about,” he responded.
I raised an eyebrow at him.
That’s it?
“Okay...” I said. “Is that your stock answer or something? Don’t dodge the question. Tell Eric and I a story.”
Jacob slammed the rest of his beer and set it down firmly on the table.
“Avery, you should try to show some respect,” my older brother said. “Sorry, Jacob. She’s young and she doesn’t know any better.”
Jacob shrugged his muscular shoulders.
“It’s all good, Eric,” he said. “She just wants some explanation as to where I’ve been and what I’ve been doing all these years.”
I nodded in agreement.
“Well, Avery,” he said. “I’ve spent the last several years surviving dust storms, bombings, grenades and gunfire. I’ve been in several hand-to-hand knife fights, which is why I carry these scars on my face. I’ve seen my friends die and I’ve been there first hand to see the best and the worst of what humanity has to offer.”
I shook my head at him. It was the stereotypical answer that I was afraid of and unfortunately, I couldn’t keep my mouth shut.
“Are you trying to brag about killing people?” I asked. “Or are you just making all of that stuff up?”
/> Jacob’s relaxed demeanor began to change quickly and I saw a flash of rage in his eyes as he sat up in his chair.
“What are you trying to say, Avery?” he asked, his eyes locked with mine.
A burst of adrenaline shot through me as soon as I realized that I had officially pissed him off.
My voice wavered as I spoke.
“I...just...all I’m saying, Jacob, is that a lot of people come back from war and claim they’ve seen some crazy stuff and most of it is usually made up,” I stuttered. “I was just asking if what you were saying was true and if it was, then are you actually proud of it?”
The smile that I thought was a permanent fixture on Jacob’s face had vanished completely, replaced only by a scowl.
“Avery, shut the hell up,” Eric said, trying to cut the tension that was in the air. “Just leave him alone. He doesn’t want to answer your stupid questions.”
Jacob didn’t take his eyes off of me, though, as my brother spoke. I kept eye contact and even sitting all the way across the table from him, I could see as his eyes began to dilate.
“Who in the fuck you do think you are?” Jacob growled.
The muscles in his neck moved as he spoke. As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he clenched his jaw and I watched him ball up his hands into fists.
“You don’t know a fucking thing about where I’ve been or what I’ve seen, you little shit,” he said.
Out of the corner of my eye, I watched as Eric tipped back his beer, finishing it off completely. Then he spoke up again.
“Okay, guys,” he said. “Let’s just chill out for a bit. There’s no need for the hostility. Let’s just have another beer and relax.”
I broke eye contact with Jacob and looked at Eric.
“You guys just drank the last beers,” I said.
Eric pushed his chair back and stood up.
“Well, I’ll go get some more,” he said. “You guys need to lighten up and I think some more beer might help with that.”
I could feel Jacob’s icy stare and it caused the hair on the back of my neck to stand up. The whole time that Eric was speaking, Jacob never took his eyes off of me.